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Law Clerk Program Overview

The Law Clerk education program is a 48-week diploma course approved as a vocational program under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005. This program introduces students to important elements of the Canadian legal system that must be understood by legal assistants. Topics include an introduction to basic fields and sources of law, methods of legal analysis and research, court structure, the legal profession and legal ethics.

Graduates who successfully complete the Litigation, Corporate/Commercial, Real Estate and Estates Law courses in the Law Clerk Program can choose to write the respective provincial exams offered by the Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario.

Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario

The Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario supports and promotes the highest professional standards by providing opportunities to innovate, share ideas and knowledge of best practices. Their distinguished network and specialized education programs are designed to enrich expertise, enhance efficiency, and protect the best interests of the legal team and the clients they serve.

Practical Internship Experience

100 hours of a placement internship will take place upon successful completion of all course work.

Graduates of the Law Clerk Program…


  • Are rewarded with a career that offers you the opportunity to make a valuable contribution to any law office
  • Have a variety of job opportunities including private law firms, public and private corporations, financial institutions, as well as municipal, provincial and federal government offices
  • Have an interest in the legal system
  • Demonstrate accuracy and attention to detail in your work
  • Possess excellent organizational skills
  • Possess solid oral and written communication skills

The program is partially self-facilitating, in that the student is provided with self-directed learning modules. If the student has difficulty with any particular area, they receive one-on-one instruction with one of the instructors present in the classrooms.

The Ontario Law Clerk course program includes but is not limited to the following modules:

Law Clerk Program Admission Requirements

To be considered for admission, you must have the following:

  • Ontario Secondary School diploma (Grade 12) or equivalent
  • Recommended: Grade 11 – Understanding Canadian Law (U/C) & Grade 12 – Canadian and International Law (U)
  • Demonstrated English, communication and comprehension skills
  • The equivalent standing at the general level in English
  • All students will require an up-to-date, valid police check

Law Clerk Program Graduation Requirements

To receive your diploma from KLC College, students must fulfill all course requirements to the satisfaction of school administration. This includes successful course and work placement completion and tuition paid in full.

All students are required to maintain an average academic standing of 70% or better. Students must pass both theory and practical components of the course. Internship assessment will be completed by the host placement. A diploma is granted when all course work is successfully completed.

Program Info

Who Hires KLC Graduates?

Various Law Firms
Legal Transcription Offices
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