Next Start Dates
Kingston: July 8, 2024
Kingston: July 8, 2024
The Child And Youth Worker program is designed to prepare students to provide frontline treatment service to emotionally troubled and disturbed children and youth. Students in this 2 year (74 week) program will receive specific education and skill development related to child management techniques, family support interventions, therapeutic relationships, designing treatment programs (for both individuals and groups) and working within multi-disciplinary teams. You will specialize in supporting change with children, youth and their families who are experiencing a range of social, emotional and behavioural challenges and implement a range of prevention, intervention and treatment strategies for children, youth and their families including crisis intervention, conflict management, problem solving, counselling, activity programming, and group work.
The practicum or work placement portion of the Child And Youth Worker program can run concurrent with the other aspects of the program, or it may be completed at the end. It requires the student to participate in a supervised setting where best practices in Child & Youth Work is demonstrated, modelled and reinforced on a daily basis. Emphasis is placed on the application of the skills, professional ethics, attitudes and knowledge acquired in other areas of the program while dealing with children and families in real life situations.
Provided that it meets the requirements as established by KLC, your placement may be a volunteer position or a paid position, for example as an education assistant in a recognized education system. Students enrolled in the program will discuss the practicum portion with their supervisor to establish the suitability of the placement and to arrange mutually convenient times for visits.
The curriculum encourages self-reflective practice in which the student will explore his or her own values, beliefs, attitudes and assumptions relating to human behaviour and relationships. Faculty will work closely with students to support skills development and growth in communication techniques and counselling theory and practice. It is important that students possess emotional maturity and physical well-being to effectively deal with the stresses of helping troubled children and adolescents find positive solutions.
To be considered for admission, you must have the following:
To receive your diploma from KLC College, students must fulfill all course requirements to the satisfaction of school administration. This includes successful course and work placement completion and tuition paid in full.
All students are required to maintain an average academic standing of 70% or better. Students must pass both theory and practical components of the course. Internship assessment will be completed by the host placement. A diploma is granted when all course work is successfully completed.